Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hard Surface Final - Building Scene

Hello again everyone!

At last I have managed to find time to go back and get my screenshots of my final that I submitted last term for my Hard Surface Modeling class.  I enjoyed modeling this a ton.  Several times I just got so into it that time just blew by.  One moment it was 9am, the next, 6pm.  But anyway, it started off with a homework assignment to modeling out the side of a building starting with a single plane and a reference image of the front of a building assigned to it as a material.  Some inserted edges here, a few extrudes there, and magic happens!  The building came out relatively well, I was happy with how it came out.  As I had some additional time on hand, I decided to expand it further by adding in rooftop elements including an hvac unit, solar panels and some other stuff to just populate it.

After which, I had a couple days left before submission so I began to build up a bus stop along with street lamps, London-style.  Turned out nice in my eyes.  There's always more than can be done.  The thing with a scene like this is expansion is almost limitless. 

Total polycount ended up about 650,000 and everything is built to smooth.  Nothing is textured yet and no UVs are laid out.  I'm actually taking a texture painting class this term and I'll be using this scene as the final for the class.  So I will be laying out UVs and texturing it.

This model will be posted on the polycount forums for some critique and if any changes are made, or anything new added, I'll be sure to add updates!  So without further delay, here are some screenshots!

And now for the roof top elements!

And last but not least, the bus stop, complete with street lamp and trash can!  Woohoo!

This was some major fun stuff to create.  I love modeling in Maya!  For the ground plane, which isn't visible in the above screenshots, I'll be attempting to bring it into ZBrush and creating some detail there.  It's taking me a while to learn ZBrush, I find it to be more difficult to pick up than it was for Maya, but man is that one powerful software.  Must...practice....more!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hello to All!

Hey hey!

Nice to meet whoever you are!  Thanks for visiting my blog.  I am Gabe and this is where I will be posting up images of any and all 3d models that I create using Maya, ZBrush, textures made in Photoshop, and other fascinating and wonderful thingies that I make. 

The About Me at the right side pretty much sums me up in a sentence or two.  Let me expand a little more to take up more space and more of your time!

So, I come from a business and engineering background!  In fact, I graduated from San Jose State with a bachelors in Business Administration, emphasis in Management Information Systems.  After working for a while, I decided, after a ton of deep contemplation, that I wanted to change my career.  I wanted something more flashy, more colorful, and in the end, something that I would love to do...and hey!  I love games!  So why don't I start making games?  Sure, people say liking to play games and liking to make games are two separate things entirely and sure, that is indeed true!

But guess what?  I found out that I freakin love to model and texture!  I self taught myself 3ds Max and Photoshop for a year before finding and enrolling into Gnomon's School of Visual Effects, which in turn, caused me to move from the San Francisco Bay Area, to Hollywood!  Man, what a change I tell you!

As of late, I've started to dive into the digital stuff.  Last term I took Hard Surface Modeling 1, Texture Mapping 1 and Photoshop for Digital Production.  I will be posting my Hard Surface final to my blog soon I hope.  I will also be posting it to the polycount forums and will try to become more active there too!  This term?  Right as I'm typing this?  I'm taking Digital Sculpting (once called Intro to ZBrush), Texture Painting and Intro to Unreal!

Now I shall stop blabbering and let you return to your day!