Monday, March 25, 2013

Scrapyard Showcase!

For those who may visit here and are attending the GDC at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, Scrapyard will be showcased at the Intel booth on Thursday @ 4:00pm! Come and demo the game and chat with our programmers, designers and artists!

Scrapyard Trailer

The most current trailer for Scrapyard!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Underwater Map - Current State

After a big push for the ESA submission deadline for USC, below are screenshots of the current state of the map.  Changes included adding grayscale diffuse texture maps to separate the straight-metal monotone feel of the assets and break things up.  I also baked out AO maps from Maya (since these were blockout textures, I didn't waste time with high-low poly baking in xNormals) and slapped them on to further define the asset details and make things pop.

The platform on the left that was modularly duplicated came after the ESA submission where I did create a high poly version and did the proper baking through xNormals and got a more solid diffuse, specular and normal texture in as seen in my last post.

Another change was the addition of foreground lighting to add strong contrast from the cool underwater colors in the background.  The midground, inside the dome, has a gradient going from cool in the background to the warm in the foreground.

My next steps will be working on more high poly-low poly baking and texturing of all foreground elements.

Updated Modular Platform

A quickie post of one of my platforms used in the Underwater map!  I went into the blockout and did some work.  Created a high poly version, a low poly version with a lot of unneeded polygons removed.  Took it to xNormals, did my thing, into Photoshop and below is the current state it is in!

From here on out, it'll all be about high poly/low poly baking for all foreground elements and entering into some heavy duty texturing!  Midground and background will be coming afterwards!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Other Details

Some screeenshots of other details that I've been working on.  I made a third platform that probably won't be used in it's current state, but can be disassembled and reassembled into a third platform for the scene.

Some grates which, after baking and with an alpha, will be used in the place of the glass on the catwalk platform.

Some sci fi floor paneling:

Underwater Pod

As of late I've been spending my time working on a decent looking underwater pod for our underwater level!  With the mechanic set to have the room flood, the players will be rushing to see who can get into the pod and be safe from drowning first!  below are shots of the pod with medium polygonal details.  A high and low poly will be worked on after I work a bit, now, on the vertical sliding doors for the side walls where the pod will emerge from!