Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pod Vehicle Update

Woo, kinda late in posting this as I had forgotten to do so amongst all the other work I had to do!  But here it is.  This is the current state of the underwater pod.  I omitted the glass panels which is why you can see straight into the interior.  In-game, the glass will be mildly transparent, but will distort the interior so details inside isn't too important for me to fuss with.  Though I did want to make sure the floor panel inside was good.

Have to still fix the normal bakes on it after taking care of a few VFX tasks!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Underwater Level Updates

Added a few new screenshots of the underwater level with updated models and textures for the foreground. The list of things I did is rather long, so to keep it short, the most notable changes include tweaking the background foliage and adding additional terrain texture blending, added a temporary emissive texture for the background facility, added in water puddles and water streaking to all asset materials and, well, added more details here and there.

My next step will be to work on the dome assets which will have less detailed textures as player focus should be on the foreground and reduction of texture fidelity as depth increases into the distance will diminish.  Once that is done, next focus will be on polishing the water puddle and streaks, the facility emissive texture, VFX stuff and more.