Monday, November 26, 2012

USC Scrapyard

Woo it's been a while since I last posted an update.  My absence has been in large due to me working on a USC senior game project called Scrapyard!  I was brought on as an Environment Artist and am now working with a great and energetic team of individuals to bring this game to life.  I will start posting WIPs here including WIP textures and, eventually, the final versions as well as shots of the levels that we are working on.

There are two levels in particular that the team is pushing for mid-Dec.  One being the Nighttime Junkyard and the other being Machu Picchu.  I've assisted in the development of a few assets for the Junkyard scene but Machu Picchu is where I've put in the bulk of my work and energy.  It's coming along and screenshots will be following!

I am also, finally, working on an official portfolio page, whenever I find the time to work on it.  Once that is up and running, my blog and the portfolio site will be linked together.  Until then, it'll be my blog all the way!

You can visit our WIP website here: where you can also watched an embedded youtube video, showcasing the game.

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