Monday, February 4, 2013

Machu Picchu Update

With the end of the last semester for the USC students came the near-end closure for Machu Picchu.  While we may revisit this level to refine a few things in the future, right now, all my attention and focus is on the Underwater Facility level.  I want to get this level as polished as I can make it before late March when I drive up north to the S.F. Bay Area and attend the Game Developer Conference.

But one thing is for certain, I need to throw on some screenshots of Machu Picchu as it looked when the USC team demo'ed the game during Demo Day.  In the near future, before attending GDC, I will be working on creating a short fly through of the level as a video and probably import the level into Maya to show the wireframes.

But anyway, below is Machu Picchu.

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