Saturday, September 10, 2011

Texture Painting Final

So this was an interesting project.  I admit that my texturing skills need more work and I have a long way to go.  A couple classmates (Daniel and Hoang! Thanks guys!) were able to give my buildings first texturing pass a good critique and even went further by helping to demonstrate how the overall scene could be improved.  Big thanks to Eric Miller, my teacher in Texture Painting (who I will be seeing again when I take Hard Surface Texturing and Shading) for teaching us all kinds of neat stuff, including headusUV, various Maya MEL scripts, Bodypaint and Crazybump.  Awesome stuff!

Next term classes are already set to go - Perspective, Hard Surface Modeling 2 and Lighting and Rendering 1.  Should be some fun stuff to look forward to!

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