Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Machu Picchu Level

So, here are the Machu Picchu shots. The screenshots are the most up to date right now.  This level I found was quite challenging because I haven't had the opportunity to really dive heavily into creating organic assets for a lush level like this one.  I spent quite a bit of time in ZBrush to sculpt out the rocks and bricks that we used in populating the level and xNormal to generate the texture maps using both high poly and low poly from ZBrush.  The low poly was obtained through a simple decimation, nothing fancy.

Machu Picchu
 As you can see from the shot above and the two below, the level was heavy in rocks, stone, moss, grass, ivy, trees, plants and wood.  I am feeling a sense of joy looking at this level and at how far I've come so far.  Working on this level has been a true learning experience.

Left Side
Right Side

Below, you will see one of the level assets that I am working on right now.  In this level, players can jump from platform to platform and in total, there are four.  The left ramp, the wooden platform, the stone platform below, and then the rocky protrusion on the far right.  
Stone Platform
Then the wireframe:

Then a glimpse into the material shader:

UDK Material Shader for Stone Platform
 This platform, like most of the assets, had their textures fully built using simple textures in UDK.  So the stone platform used a moss texture, an AO map with an alpha channel, a normal map, and a grungy map.  All these, with some fancy node usage, created the texture that is in the game level right now.  This is different from my Junkyard assets which had full textures painted and made in Photoshop and brought in.

More stuff will be coming along in due time.

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