Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bubbles and More Fog!

So today was a productive day.  Made several changes, improvements and additions to the level.  Still bugged about the environmental coloring though.  Something I really want to fix.

  • Fixed the main glass dome's UVs for proper reflection with the cube maps I made.
  • Created cube maps for the interior of the dome and another for the exterior environment.
  • Fixed up the glass material a bit, still not what I want it to be, but it's better than what I had initially.  Still needs more work so the dome glass feels like glass.
  • Created a quick bubble texture in Photoshop and used it to then create a new particle emitter in Cascade for bubbles underwater.  Did this one rather quickly, so it has room for me to go back and improve on.
  • Also added in a FogVolumeLinearHalfspaceDensityInfo node to the level.  Tweaked it a bit to match the level.
  • Fixed some artifacting with my dust particles where, due to the high DoF focus inner radius setting, my low opacity dust particles were inverting the blur effect from DoF so you would see unblurred spots where the dust particles were lol.  So that's fixed.

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