Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Underwater Level Updates

More updates after two days.  They are as follows:

  • Studied up on an intro to cascade to learn about the basics of creating particle effects
  • Used said knowledge to create simple dust particles in the environment to help occlude light from my dominant directional light and create more god rays.
  • Tweaked my dominant directional light for god rays and set it's direction to more of an angle to push the rays from the play perspective.
  • Tweaked exponential height fog settings to get a better feel.
  • Added in some fake god rays which are really noticeable.  Will be returning to either fix them, or may remove them altogether.
  • Busy trying to figure out how to create a fog volume that'll help push the god rays even more.  That, or perhaps dust clouds. Still learning those
With Fake God Rays
With Natural God Rays

This was my first time touching particle effects in UDK and Cascade as well.  Thank god for tutorials throughout the internet!  That, and made progress with natural god rays (not the fake ones) thanks a ton to Callum from Polycount forums.  But still have a ways to go to make this feel more like an underwater environment.  

Creating bubbles won't be too hard, will probably take the same approach as I took with the dust particles.  It's just creating that fog/cloud underwater which breaks up the light even more that has been heavy into research.   But I will get there!!

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